David Hess Finds Hope in Battle with Cancer, Postpones Tumor Shrinkage Surgery

2 min read

Former MLB pitcher David Hess has good news in his battle with hemangiosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. Initially, he was set to undergo a risky surgery near his heart, but then he learned that the tumor had shrunk significantly so he could forgo surgery in favor of radiation therapy.

David Hess Finds Hope in Battle with Cancer, Postpones Tumor Shrinkage Surgery

A Long Journey of Ups and Downs: Hess‘ battle with cancer began more than two years ago with a germ cell tumor. Despite successful treatments, new challenges emerged, including hemangiosarcoma and seizures. The discovery of this aggressive cancer, especially since it was located near a vital artery, initially filled him and his wife with dread.

The turning point: However, recent chemotherapy has been so effective that the tumor has shrunk enough to avoid dangerous surgery. This unexpected development brought them great comfort and marked a turning point in their battle. Hess calls it „a testament to how effective the treatment is and how lucky we are.“

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE: While a full recovery is still unknown, this positive development ignites hope for a better future. Hess still has doubts about a baseball comeback, but he vows to take on the disease itself on the field. He is currently focusing on his health, taking classes at Clemson University and possibly pursuing coaching opportunities.

Key Points.

David Hess‘ hemangiosarcoma tumor has shrunk significantly, avoiding the risk of surgery and allowing for radiation therapy.
This progress marks a turning point in his battle with cancer and gives him hope and comfort.
Hess remains realistic about his future, but maintains a fighting spirit, focused on his health and potential new path.

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